Traveling, shopping, finding new stores, oh I just love clothes and fashion. This month I've been traveling around Germany, searching for a perfect present for my bestie, and a cute, new outfit for myself. I can only say one thing: never, never ever, set out to go shopping with the two thoughts on your mind, that I had while shopping. First, I got frustrated by the lack of things I could buy for my bestie, as I wanted the perfect present, something I would be happy about if she gave it to me. I shopped in Leer and Bonn, and settled on a picture frame. I was going to buy her a pretty dress, the only problem? They only had an "L" left, and she is a really thin stick. :P So, I wandered around, found another dress I liked, and what do you think I did? I bought it for myself. Voila, I've liked the marine trend since I was in primary school, so there was no way I would pass on this.

Lucky me, my friend had a similar dress like this already, so I didn't have to wear a cone of shame for getting it. ^_^
I also got myself this Tom Taylor blouse, I love blouses, they're so versatile!
My mommy then gave me this blouse, and it's just adorable. <3 nbsp="" p="">
My journey continues in Koblenz, where we got some real leather for our bags, I'll post a link to Etsy, once we have uploaded some for sale. The bags will be gorgeous, amazingly gorgeous. One piece of leather had a really pretty dark green color, and it looks so perfect. Anyway, I was being my grumpy self that day, so I got a pair of summer sandal/wedges to cheer myself up. ^_^

The best thing comes last: shopping at Room Nine. We just set out to get my mom a cute, comfy outfit for when she's watching the Porsche Tennis Cup, and I ended up getting another marine inspired top, and a white cardigan thing, because thy suited me and I helped my mom find a pretty top that looked good with the rest of her outfit, not like the salesperson, who I think gave her a top that wasn't the prettiest of them all.

All in all, the shop had a ton of clothes and decoration for every occasion. I'm totally going in there again, though my purse will be empty when I leave. xoxo Marethyu <3 br="" nbsp="">Oh, and I got some school stuff too, like a pink binder, because my old one broke, but I think it isn't worth listing all the items in here. :P 3>